
Pre-Event Tbilisi and EPM Yerevan 2018

Before the EPM in Yerevan (the capital of Armenia), a pre-event in Tbilisi (the capital of Georgia) took place. From the 4th of March until the 7th of March, me and a bunch of AEGEEans discovered the impressive hospitable Tbilisi and its surroundings by a city tour, which also included some challenges. Moreover, we participated in lectures and workshops about… Read more →

Our trip to Eindhoven

As part of an exchange AEGEE-Eindhoven visited us in late October. During the 16th of November and the 19th of November we switched roles and went to visit them during the internationally known „Glow Festival“ along with members from other antennae throughout Europe. In total we were 6 people from Mannheim going. 4 by car and 2 by train. When… Read more →

Back to the roots – Network Meeting Ioannina

As one of the duties of my role as the External Responsible I always promote European Events to our members and remind them about deadlines. But once in a while I remind myself too. Also in this case. There was a Network Meeting in Ioannina popping up on my screen when I was researching the last entries in the Intranet… Read more →

AEGEE-Eindhoven is coming into town!

From the 20th of October to the 22nd of October we had some visitors from AEGEE-Eindhoven in our town. When they arrived on friday in the afternoon, we welcomed them with a typical – zünftig – German Dinner – Maultaschen! Later in the evening we went out for a Pub Crawl to a few popular bars in Mannheim. One of… Read more →

Castlemania – get to know the SUnny side of the Kurpfalz!

Summer Universities sind bekanntermaßen die berühmtesten und beliebtesten Events innerhalb von AEGEE. Nachdem AEGEE-Mannheim das letzte Mal 2014 eine SU veranstaltet hatte und mehrere unserer Mitglieder AEGEE-Heidelberg bei ihrer SU 2016 aushalfen, lag es deshalb nicht fern, dieses Jahr sich zusammen zu tun und eine gemeinsame SU zu organisieren! Die Vorbereitungen begannen bereits über ein halbes Jahr im Voraus: Nach… Read more →

Members Event: Escape Room

Zugegeben, wir bei AEGEE haben ja schon einiges erlebt, aber aus einem Gefängnis auszubrechen? Das haben wir uns eigentlich nicht zugetraut. Um ehrlich zu sein, aus der JVA Mannheim sind wir nicht entkommen, aber unser abendlicher Ausflug zum „Escape Room Mannheim“ hat uns vor mindestens genauso große Schwierigkeiten gestellt. In Vierergruppen aufgeteilt, wurden wir entweder im Labor, einem Schlachthof oder… Read more →

CD on Track

As part of the CD’s trip to visit most of the antennae of AEGEE last weekly CD-member Tekla Hajdu has visited us in Mannheim and talked with us about AEGEE in general and our development as an antenna. The nice meeting in the N1 lounge was also joined by Mareike, our current Network Commissioner from AEGEE Heidelberg. The talks mainly… Read more →

Welcome Reception

Am 10.02.2017 hatte AEGEE Mannheim die Möglichkeit an der Welcome Reception für die internationalen Studierenden an der Universität teilzunehmen. Bei dieser Veranstaltung erhalten die Studenten viele Informationen zu ihrem Studium an der Universität Mannheim und zur Stadt Mannheim. Nachdem das Akademische Auslandsamt der Uni Mannheim mit der Präsentation fertig war, hatte AEGEE Mannheim neben zwei weiteren Initiativen die tolle Gelegenheit… Read more →